Safari & Camping Vacation at Kruger National Park


One must go on safari while in Africa. Cliche as it might be, we were very excited to go camping for 7 days at Kruger National Park. This park is South Africa.

Kruger National Park was created in 1898 to protect the lowveld region of northern South Africa. It officially became a national park in 1926.  The park is incredibly large at 2 Million Hectares (7722 square miles).


The park covers a number of very different ecologic areas and geographic

types. You can visit this National Park ten times and never go to the same place and see the same things!a’s most famous place for seeing wildlife. In fact, unless you go to a national park or private game reserve, you will not be able to see the famous Big 5 (elephants, buffalo, lions, leopards, and rhino). These animals no longer roam naturally in South Africa, which is why parks like Kruger are incredibly important for the survival of future animals. It’s also a cool place to vacation.


We spent 7 days game driving for approx 5 – 8 hours per day, but only saw 1/4 of the park. We also enjoyed special sunset and night drives with a guide.

Pics: Click Here

What we saw:

  1. Elephants
  2. Rhino
  3. Lions
  4. Leopard
  5. Buffalo
  6. Giraffe
  7. Wildabeast
  8. Hyenas
  9. Impala
  10. Kudu
  11. Waterbuck
  12. Bushbuck
  13. Kilspringer
  14. Reedbuck
  15. Steenbok
  16. Zebra
  17. Civet
  18. Genet
  19. Hippopotamus
  20. Jackal
  21. Banded Mongoose
  22. Dwarf Mongoose
  23. Vervet Monkeys
  24. Baboons
  25. Pagolin
  26. Tree Squirles
  27. Warthogs
  28. African Fish Eagle
  29. Francolin
  30. Egyptian Goose
  31. Crested Guineafowl
  32. Hamerkop
  33. Yellowbilled Hornbill
  34. African Jacana
  35. Woodland Kingfisher
  36. Nightjar
  37. Rid-billed Oxpecker
  38. Blacksmith Plover
  39. Lilac Breasted European Roller
  40. Sunbird
  41. Agama lizards
  42. Chameleons
  43. Geckos
  44. Black Mamba
  45. Turtles
  46. Tortoises
  47. Fever Trees
  48. Apple-Leaf Trees
  49. Marula Trees
  50. Jackelberry
  51. Sicklebush
  52. Umbrella Thorn
  53. Sausage Trees
  54. Nile Crocodile
  55. Water Monitor
  56. Rock Monitors
